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Comparing RAM on specs and performance

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Panram International Corporation PUD31600C98GNJK 8GB Panram International Corporation PUD31600C98GNJK 8GB View
V-Color Technology Inc. TD4G8C9-OC16A 4GB V-Color Technology Inc. TD4G8C9-OC16A 4GB View
Carry Technology Co. Ltd. U3A8G93-13G9HE3B00 8GB Carry Technology Co. Ltd. U3A8G93-13G9HE3B00 8GB View
Micron Technology 8HTF12864AY-667G2 1GB Micron Technology 8HTF12864AY-667G2 1GB View
About project
This service uses a conditional system for evaluating the performance of the RAM. Data on RAM performance were taken from a variety of sources, mainly based on the results of such tests, how: PassMark.
We make no claim to absolute accuracy. Ranking and evaluating performance with absolute RAM accuracy is not possible. Check the RAM data on the official website of the module manufacturer.