Qimonda 72T128420EFA3SB2 1GB
Kllisre 8GB

Qimonda 72T128420EFA3SB2 1GB vs Kllisre 8GB

Overall score
star star star star star
Qimonda 72T128420EFA3SB2 1GB

Qimonda 72T128420EFA3SB2 1GB

Overall score
star star star star star
Kllisre  8GB

Kllisre 8GB


  • Faster reading speed, GB/s
    3 left arrow 11.7
    Average value in the tests
Kllisre  8GB Reasons to consider
Kllisre 8GB
Report a bug
  • Below the latency in the PassMark tests, ns
    46 left arrow 106
    Around -130% lower latency
  • Faster write speed, GB/s
    8.6 left arrow 2,069.2
    Average value in the tests
  • Higher memory bandwidth, mbps
    17000 left arrow 5300
    Around 3.21 higher bandwidth


Complete list of technical specifications
Qimonda 72T128420EFA3SB2 1GB
Kllisre 8GB
Main characteristics
  • Memory type
    DDR2 left arrow DDR4
  • Latency in PassMark, ns
    106 left arrow 46
  • Read speed, GB/s
    3,273.7 left arrow 11.7
  • Write speed, GB/s
    2,069.2 left arrow 8.6
  • Memory bandwidth, mbps
    5300 left arrow 17000
  • Description
    PC-5300, PS1: 1.5V, PS2: 1.8V, CAS Supported: 3 4 5 left arrow PC4-17000, 1.2V, CAS Supported: 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
  • Timings / Clock speed
    no data left arrow 14-14-14, 15-15-15, 16-16-16 / 2133 MHz
  • Ranking PassMark (The more the better)
    734 left arrow 2349
RAM Latency Calculator
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